Temporary technical recruiter - Mons > Mons > Joboolo BE :
Company : Michael Page Location : Mons Wallonia From : Talent BE
If, for any reason, you contact me by email, LinkedIn, SMS or WhatsApp, don't forget to mention the reference of the job.
The platform offers the possibility to upload a LinkedIn CV.
When you use this option, be aware that your consultant will only see a copy of your LinkedIn track record, which is less relevant than your own CV in word or in PDF.
Keywords :
HR human Resources Ressources Humaines People and organisation Interim management interim manager contracting contractor independent indépendant zelfstandig freelance free-lance freelancer interim management consultant consulent consulting body shopping interim intérimaire uitzend temporary temporaire tijdelijk tijdelijkeHRBP HR Business partner recruitment talent acquisition talent management manager career performance people management recrutement rekruteringflexible flexibility MichaelPage MonsWallonia