Société : Azumuta Lieu : Ghent Flanders Site source : Talent BE
You have a deep appreciation for software quality and are dedicated to ensuring that every release meets the highest standards.
Your commitment to excellence is evident in your approach to testing. You bring a wealth of experience in designing and implementing comprehensive test strategies.
Your background includes a strong emphasis on UI tests using frameworks like Selenium or Cypress, API tests with tools like Postman or Jest, and Integration tests for end-to-end validation.You are proficient in JavaScript and TypeScript.
You are comfortable creating robust test scripts and harnessing the power of these languages to build effective automated testing frameworks.You are familiar with GitHubYou are passionate about technologyYou have a make it happen attitude and you’re able to work independentlyBedrijfswagen of mobiliteitsbudgetForfaitaire onkostenvergoedingMaaltijdchequesAlan hospitalisatie - en zorgverzekeringGSM + abonnementLaptop (MacBook)Tablet (iPad) Azumuta GhentFlanders