Parametric model reduction of vibro-acoustic systems large spaces VAMOR DC4 > Joboolo BE :
Company : KU Leuven Location : Leuven Flanders From : Talent BE
As a PhD researcher I perform research in a structured and scientifically sound manner.
I read technical papers, understand the nuances between different theories and implement and improve methodologies myself.Based on interactions and discussions with my supervisors and the colleagues in my team, I set up and update a plan of approach for the upcoming 1 to 3 months to work towards my research goals.
I work with a sufficient degree of independence to follow my plan and achieve the goals.
I indicate timely when devia-tions of the plan are required if goals cannot be met or if I want to discuss intermediate results or issues.In frequent reporting, varying between weekly to monthly, I show the results that I have obtained, and I give a well-founded interpretation of those results.
I iterate on my work and my approach based on the feedback of my supervisors which steer the direction of my research.I feel comfortable to work as a team member and I am eager to share my results to inspire and be inspired by my colleagues.I value being part of a large research group which is well connected to the machine and transportation in-dustry and I am eager to learn how academic research can be linked to industrial innovation roadmaps.During my PhD I want to grow towards following up the project that I am involved in and representing the research group on project meetings or conferences.
I see these events as an occasion to disseminate my work to an audience of international experts and research colleagues, and to learn about the larger context of my research and the research project.Eligibility criteriaAdmission requirementsAdmission to a doctorate at TUM requires:
A university degree completed with above-average results (Diploma, Magister or Master's), an equiva-lent state examination, or a Master's examination at a university of applied science.Results are considered to be above average if studies were completed with an average grade of at least 2.5, or at a minimum passed with a grade of good.
In exceptional cases, your above-average qualifica-tions can also be proven through academic work (e.g.
publications) completed after your course of study.Decisions about your qualifications are always made by the degree-awarding institution/department.A doctorate from TUM requires very good written and spoken English skills.
There are no required mini-mum scores for the relevant tests (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.), but applicants should be able to speak fluently with the supervisor about their research area during the application interview.German skills are highly beneficial, especially for finding your way around Munich and the surrounding area.More information about admission requirements can be found in the TUM doctoral regulations.Due to the EU mobility rules for Doctoral Network projects, the candidate should not have resided in Ger-many for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date on the project.
The candidate is expected to spend a shared amount of his time in the project at TUM, but also at the partner institution KUL.Selection processSelectionTo succeed as a doctoral student at TUM, you need to be goal-oriented and persevering in yourwork.
During the selection process, candidates will be assessed upon their ability to:
independently pursue his or her work,collaborate with others,have a professional approach andanalyze and work with complex issues;display sustained motivation for pursuing research,possess a good level of communicative ability.After the qualification requirements, great emphasis will be placed on personal competency.This doctoral project is part of a larger, multidisciplinary and international project VAMOR:
“Vibro-AcousticModel Order Reduction” (GA 101119903) funded under the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks within the Horizon Europe Programme of the European Commission.
VAMOR contributes to a more sustainable and quieter future for Europe.
Noise pollution has arisen as one of the key factors towards the degradation of the quality of life in European societies.
In that context, efficient physics-based sound modelling is a key enabler towards not only optimized and sustainable acoustic profiles through efficient design procedures, but also affordable so-called digital twins that monitor product performance in real time.
To this end, the overarching goal of VAMOR is to provide high level scientific and transferable skills training on a new generation of efficient vibro-acousticmodelling techniques, so-called model order reduction (MOR) strategies, to a group of high achieving, competent doctoral candidates to promote a quieter and more sustainable environment.
VAMOR brings together a remarkable consortium, which combines research leading academic institutions - KU Leuven, Technische Universitaet Munchen (TUM), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan (KTH), Universite du Mans, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM) - with a constantly innovating, wide variety of industrial partners working on software, material, testing, design and sound enhancement (Siemens Industry Software NV, Müller BBM, Trèves, Phononic Vibes, Saint-Gobain Ecophon, Tyréns, Purifi ApS).
As part of VAMOR, a joint Ph.D.
position between TUM and KUL is open to investigate the parametricmodel order reduction of vibro-acousticsystems with large parameter spaces.
Within this research track, robust and efficient workflows for computing parametric reduced-order models of vibro-acoustics are to be established.
The dimension reduction of the numerical models is to be achieved by projection.
A special focus is put on methods enabling the reduction of models with a large number of parameters.
Since, in such cases, traditional parametricmodel order reduction methods suffer from the curse of dimensionality, techniques involving efficient parameter sampling techniques, as well as sampling-free approaches and data-driven methods to obtain parametric reduced models, will be exploited.
All methods will be compared and assessed in terms of applicability and effectivity regarding vibroacousticsystems.
The most promising and robust approaches are to be tested on benchmark cases arising from a double-layer floor construction of a railway-wagon and the fuselage sidewall of an aircraft.
Main Supervision at TUM:
Gerhard Müller is proposed to supervise the doctoral student.Co-Supervision at KUL:
Elke Deckers will co-supervise the doctoral student.At the Chair of Structural Mechanics of the TUM the teaching and research activities are concerned with the theo-retical principles for building construction, structural engineering, dynamics, soil mechanics and concrete, metal and wood construction and vibroacoustics.In KUL the research will be hosted by the Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics division (LMSD), which currently counts >100 researchers and is part of the department of mechanical engineering of KU Leuven.
More information on the research group can be found on the website:
// and our linkedIn page:
// possibility to study in a dynamic and international research environment in collaboration with industries and prominent universities worldwide.You will receive a monthly gross salary of 3400€ multiplied with the country specific coefficient of Germany (0.983).
The net income will result after the deduction of income tax, social contributions, and other permitted deductions that need to be considered.
In addition to the net salary, you will receive a mobility allowance of 600€.A postgraduate education at an institution that is active and supportive in matters pertaining to working conditions, gender equality and diversity, and study environment.Joint PhD with the Technical University of Munich (TUM).Project part of the EU project VAMOR, and in close collaboration with the industry, with the company MUELLER-BBM Industry Solutions GMBH.Ample occasions to develop yourself in a scientific and/or an industrial direction.
Besides opportunities offered by the research group, further doctoral training for PhD candidates is provided in the framework of the KU Leuven Arenberg Doctoral School (https:
//, known for its strong focus on both future scientists and scientifically trained professionals who will valorize their doctoral expertise and competences in a non-aca-demic context.
More information on the training opportunities can be found on the following link:
// candidates at TUM work on challenging academic questions and are supported by prominent re-searchers.
TUM Graduate School encourages an environment in which academic knowledge and professional qualification are perfectly interwoven.
On the following pages, you will find all the information you need about doing a doctorate at TUM:
// KU Leuven LeuvenFlanders