
International Truckdriver CE > Joboolo BE :

Company : Absolute Jobs
Location : Veurne Flanders
From : Talent BE

Als a INTERNATIONAL TRUCKDRIVER CE in region VEURNE you can find yoursef in the following You have a valid driving license CE + code 95 and driver card in your pocket; You are available for international trips + overnight stay; You have good driving skills.

As an INTERNATIONAL TRUCKDRIVER CE in teh region VEURNE the company offers you the following; Correct salary starting at €14,3360 + €1,68 ARAB allowance and €44 night allowance; Vacation is free to choose! Isn't it ideal?; A full time job monday till friday (or saturday)You can take your truck home! How nice is that! No experiance? But you do have a CE licence + code 95 and a driver's licence? We give you training in bulk transport! Fixed contract after positive evaluation
Absolute Jobs
Veurne Flanders

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International Truckdriver CE - Location : Veurne Flanders - Company : Absolute Jobs

International Truckdriver CE - Location : Veurne Flanders - Company : Absolute Jobs

International Truckdriver CE - Location : Veurne Flanders - Company : Absolute Jobs

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